Policies & procedures


Please arrive no more than ten minutes early. When you arrive at 100 Main Street, take the stairs to the second floor offices. At the top of the stairs, you’ll find a large waiting room. Please wait in the waiting room and I will greet you at your scheduled appointment time.

Late Arrival & Cancellation

If you arrive late, your appointment may need to be shortened to avoid inconveniencing other clients. Late arrivals will be responsible for the full rate of the scheduled treatment.

A minimum of 24 hours is required for all appointment changes or cancellations. Any cancellation with less than 24 hours will be subject to the full rate of your scheduled treatment.


Cash or check are preferred to avoid credit card processing fees.

Snow & bad weather

Please let me know as soon as possible if you will not be coming due to snow and/or bad driving conditions.


All sheets and towels at Burlington Integrative Massage are washed with distilled white vinegar. All cleaning products are non-toxic and fragrance free. Please notify me if you have any sensitivities to essential oils and I will not use them during your session.