Burlington Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Integrative therapeutic massage is a holistic approach to healing, with careful blending of techniques from Swedish, myofascial release, deep tissue, and energy work. This practice holds space for clients to release lingering or stagnet energy and physical manifestations of pain.

Burlington Massage

Deep Tissue

Deep tissue utilizes long, slow strokes that target the deep layers of muscles. Deep tissue can aid in break up scar tissue and “knots” created from everyday stress and deep emotional trauma the body has held onto.

Burlington Massage

Sports Massage & Myofascial Release

This treatment is ideal for anyone looking for targeted work on a specific area such as back, legs, neck, shoulders, or hips. Please wear athletic shorts and a bra with minimal straps. Available for 30 and 60 minutes only.


  • Yoga for Snow Sports

    Get ready for the winter season with yoga for winter sports. Yoga can help prevent injury for skiers and snowboarders. This class focuses on strength, stabilization, and flexibility of the legs, hip flexors, and core. Open to all levels and abilities, modifications are offered along the way.

    Monday 5:30-7:00pm at Burlington Yoga

  • Morning Yoga

    Ease into the day by connecting movement and breath. This class begins with several rounds of sun salutations (Surya Namaskara A & B) to wake up the body through standing poses and fluid movement. After we move through a dynamic sequence to feel energized and prepared for the day. Opportunities to go deeper and modifications offered throughout.

    Tuesday 9:00-10:00am at Burlington Yoga